quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011

Métodos de pesquisa para internet

Categoria: Comunicação, Educação
Edição: 1ª - 2011
Formato: 14 x 21 cm
Nº de Pag.: 239
Peso: 305 gramas
Preço: R$ 33,00

O interesse pelas abordagens empíricas a respeito das tecnologias digitais de comunicação tem avançado de forma perceptível no Brasil. “Como fazer”, “como aplicar” e “como pensar” metodologias que sejam eficientes e que permitam coletar e analisar dados compatíveis com os seus problemas de pesquisa e com suas perspectivas teóricas constitui um dos maiores desafios que se colocam para os pesquisadores.
O livro Métodos de pesquisa para internet, escrito por Suely Fragoso, Raquel Recuero e Adriana Amaral, nasceu da percepção desse contexto e tematiza e exemplifica perspectivas metodológicas específicas a respeito da internet. Além disso, fornece subsídios para estudos sobre outros temas em que a internet desempenhe o papel de lugar ou de instrumento de pesquisa. É um livro construído a partir das próprias experiências de pesquisa empírica das autoras ao longo de anos de estudo e experimentação com diferentes métodos.

domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2011

The 28th Annual Qualitative Analysis Conference: Contemporary Issues in Qualitative Research

Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford [campus map]
Carnegie Building, 73 George Street [google map]
Brantford, Ontario, Canada
May 12 to 14, 2011

Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The goal of the 2011 Qualitative Analysis Conference is to explore methodological, theoretical and substantive issues in qualitative research.  This year’s conference aims to examine and celebrate the utility of qualitative inquiry while also highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of qualitative research.  Qualitative methodology continues to advance and be employed in new ways, and in disciplines more traditionally accustomed to quantitative analysis.  With the increasing use of qualitative methodology, and its application in new empirical settings and theoretical landscapes, what methodological challenges and advances are being faced by researchers and what gains are being achieved?
To this end, our conference welcomes theoretical, empirical, and methodological papers from both novice and veteran scholars, as they address the following topics:
  • Debating Standards in Qualitative Research
  • The Use of Technology in Qualitative Research
  • Emotionality and Emotional Labour in the Field
  • Reflexivity and Theory in Qualitative Inquiry
  • Ethical Regulations and Ethical Boundaries
  • Team-Based Qualitative Research
If your paper does not fit into these categories, but is related to interpretivist scholarship, or ethnographic, qualitative research in some way, we still very much encourage you to send in an abstract.  With enough submissions on one area, we can develop new themes as appropriate.

Keynote Address: We are pleased to announce that Peter and Patti Adler, recent recipients of the SSSI's George Herbert Mead Award for Lifetime Achievement, will be presenting the keynote address.

Featured Speakers: We are pleased to announce that Adele Clarke, Andrea Doucet, Christine Hine, and Robert Prus will be attending the conference as featured speakers.

Special Issue of Qualitative Sociology Review will be devoted to publishing some of the best papers presented at the conference.  More details to follow.

Journal Editors: Krzysztof Konecki (Qualitative Sociology Review), Larry Nichols (The American Sociologist), Brian Donovan (The Sociological Quarterly), Jeff Ferrell (Crime, Media, Culture), and Adele Clarke (BioSocieties) will be representing their respective journals at the conference.

Panel on Funding Qualitative Research: Alan Pepé (SSHRC Program Officer), Michael Atkinson (SSHRC award & grant recipient & reviewer), Ivy Bourgeault (CIHR - Institute of Health Services & Policy Research, CIHR Chair in Health Human Resource Policy), Margaret Denton (Chair, CIHR - Institute on Aging & grant recipient), and Mark Pogrebin (International and NIJ funding experience).

Wilfrid Laurier University's Brantford campus is located in Brantford, Ontario, about an hour's drive from Toronto.

terça-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2011

New EU Kids Online report released 13/01/2011

EU Kids Online II runs from 2009-2011. Risks and safety on the internet: The perspective of European children.

Children need more help to block online threats says European internet study coordinated by Professor Sonia Livingstone from the LSE (London School of Economics), 'Parents and the online industry have taken some good first steps to make the internet a safer place for children but they could both do much more.' See EU Kids Online reports initial findings from the EU Kids Online II survey of 9-16 year olds and their parents which are available at: http://www2.lse.ac.uk/media@lse/research/EUKidsOnline/Home.aspx.

Posted by Maria Collier de Mendonça